Saturday, February 1, 2025

Transition to the Cambridge Portfolio Project 2/01/25

Transition to the Cambridge Portfolio Project 2/01/25

  Hello Cambridge! From now on I will be documenting my process of creating a successful portfolio project. The research I developed during the course will help me throughout this process. Having been introduced to film openings earlier in class I am feeling confident in my  ability to correctly complete the portfolio project. With previous knowledge of the characteristics of great film openings, and what they consist of, shots, angles, composition movement, and mise-en-scene; these elements will be applied and will positively affect the overall outcome of my project. I am looking forward to starting this journey.

  Out of all of the film opening techniques, I am leaning toward a couple of useful options. The first one I would be interested in is establishing the setting. Relying on specific details, costume designs, and incorporate recognizable representations. I think this technique would be useful. Establishing the setting will further develop my story and make it easier for the audience to understand it. Additionally, another possible option is establishing the background of my film opening. Considering the use of mise-en-scene, developing context, and dialogue. Establishing the background will not only give the audience context, but could foreshadow possible events. For instance, highlighting certain props or characters or verbally expressing something. My overall approach for my portfolio project is to stay organized, dedicated, and creative. 

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