Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Blog Posting 12/18/24

 My group members and I had such a fun time filming this music video. We got to know each other so much better and we worked together to piece all elements of this project  together. While facing some creative differences and overcoming some filming challenges ,it all came together and it became great project to be a part of. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Blog post 12/9/24

 Music Media Marketing project 

The band name we choose is "Crepitus", which is Latin for loud noises and clashes. The reason behind this name is because all the instruments together produce a loud sound. Their brand identity is shown by the portrayal of other characters and their life experiences which include alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders and depression. We wanted to incorporate these topics because there is a stigma towards it. Our music video will illustrate the power of music.

.     The band members use the fuel of music to provide them strength. The research I conducted revolves around branding, streaming services, marketing, and examples of music videos to gather inspiration. For example, the marketing we choose to include is a streaming of the new single" Converge". The content will be streamed on Spotify, YouTube and TikTok. Using this marketing tactic can be rewarding for new viewers by interacting with the artists on a personal level. These main streaming platforms are useful for our project because "Crepitus" targets a younger generation. 

Our planning process is lengthy considering all the necessary steps. We first organized our ideas in the initial schedule, then continued to plan our music video. We plan on shooting four separate individual scenes (four different areas of shooting) of each band member struggling with their issues aligning with the lyrics. How we plan to tie everything together is by having one large scene of all the band members connecting. The actual band members will be created to have a very wholesome and understanding aura.

CCR group meeting summary

 Hiii blog! Today in class, we were broken up into groups. Our initial assignment was to discuss with our assigned groups our overall projec...