Monday, September 30, 2024

Blog posting OWF

  The One Word Film project- the directions for this project was to create a 60-90 second video (real time)of one word you were assigned. You were to create a brand new story based on your word without any dialogue, only an instrumental track and  few exceptional sound effects.

  My partner and I thought about what we have done in the past when were bored during a test and applied it to our project while including scenes that we thought were comical.

 Our story board really did help us while filming. The paper made our editing way more organize and during filming we could look back and see which shot, the type and etc. 
   My partner and I used 2 different editing sources. I used iMovie and she used Adobe.

I think me and my partner did fairly well on our project. I think we had a solid storyline that was clear and well organized. In contrast, I think our time management could of been better. Also our editing skills definitely could improve- but that takes time to perfect it. 

Link to our project


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera shots quiz

 Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

         Camera shots quiz

 We were assigned to create a storyline utilizing 15 shots that we learned to tell our story. 

 My partner and I decided to create a story based on a little eraser that was left behind by a student on her way out, the little eraser sooner or later finds a new home. 

 I believe me and my partner did a nice job our project. We demonstrated a simple storyline but in detail. We worked together nicely and divided the work equally. I personally enjoyed the low angled shot of the eraser looking at the clock. But I think we could have done better stabilizing our camera. The tight close up of the eraser could have been focused a little more. 

CCR group meeting summary

 Hiii blog! Today in class, we were broken up into groups. Our initial assignment was to discuss with our assigned groups our overall projec...